Explore how we are utilizing economic insights

Explore how we are utilizing economic insights

to promote human well-being and environmental sustainability.

Is Your Organization Searching For

Diverse collaborations to develop sustainability solutions for society’s biggest problems?

Strategic Planning

Personalized to your organization – no one-size-fits-all solutions

Economics for Decision Makers

Informed decisions made simple with the right kinds of data.

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Environmental Economics & Strategic Planning

Your strategic planning needs experts who can collect the correct data and analyze your impact on the local economy, environment, and people.

  • Economic analysis provides critical insights into leveraging scarce resources.

  • Strategic planning that prioritizes human well-being can lead to better stakeholder relationships, greater community engagement, and improved organizational resilience.

  • The local environment can be a key driver of local economic activity, and strategic planning can help organizations leverage these resources and opportunities.

Civic Consulting Collaborative

The CCC is a mission driven firm that specialize in stakeholder and public process, collectively generating solutions to complex social and environmental challenges.

For larger projects

We leverage the expertise of a network of principal-level consultants with the CCC

CTC Retreat
CTC Retreat

Projects and Resources

The type of work we do

  • Strategic Planning for a Botanical Garden and Arboretum
  • Feasibility Study for a Nonprofit Facility
  • Vermont Emergency Eats: An Economic Analysis of Impact and Lessons Learned
  • Coalition Strategic Planning for the Urban Tree Canopy